De Luca & Partners

Remote working: how to improve it after the emergency phase (, 20 July 2020 – Enrico De Luca e Alessandra Zilla)

The COVID-19 emergency has awakened interest in remote or agile working, with the aim of limiting the spread of the virus and ensuring business continuity,.

In the emergency phase a simplified mode of remote working has been introduced: until the end of the epidemiological state of emergency, the remote working may be activated even in the absence of individual agreements.

If, therefore, there is no extension related to the emergency situation and the connected use of the simplified mode of agile work, after 31 July, it will be necessary to switch from the emergency remote-working to the ordinary one regulated by Legislative Decree no. 81/2017.

In addition, with the overcoming of the emergency phase, it is to be hoped that remote working recover the original spirit aimed at increasing competitiveness and a greater possibility of reconciliation of life and work.

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