De Luca & Partners

Decreto lavoro: disclosure obligations under the Transparency Decree made easier (Newsletter Norme & Tributi n. 169 Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica – Vittorio De Luca, Luca Cairoli)

Lawyers office. Judges gavel on glossy table.

Decree-Law 48 of 4 May 2023, so-called  “Decreto Lavoro“, which came into force on 5 May, lays down new measures to, inter alia, simplify the employment disclosure requirements to which companies are subject under the so-called “Decreto Trasparenza” (Legislative Decree 104/2022).

Unlike in the past, some of the information that employers were bound to provide in detail in the employment contract or in a specific policy (length of probationary period, training, paid holidays and leaves, notice of dismissal and resignation, components of remuneration, working hours, overtime, social-security and insurance institutions) may now be given to workers just by referring to the relevant provision of law or of the collective agreement that applies to the employment, including the company agreement.  For simplification purposes, and in order to ensure uniformity in the employer’s communications, the latter shall deliver and make available to workers, including through publication on the website, the national, local and company collective agreements, as well as any company rules that apply to the employment.       

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