De Luca & Partners

The draft renewal agreement for the Wood Furnishings industry has been signed

On 13 December 2016, FenealUil, Filca Cisl, Fillea Cgil and Federlegno signed the draft renewal agreement for the  Wood Furnishings Industry. The agreement, which is applicable to about 250 thousand workers, introduces a salary increase based on two principles: the first provides a fixed monthly increase tranche, without any verification, equal to 35.00 Euro for parameter 100 and 46.90 Euro for the average parameter, while the second principle provides the payment of two tranches, in January 2018 and January 2019, in order to recover purchasing power using the General CPI inflation rate that also takes into account energy costs. The contribution payable by companies to Fondo Altea (supplementary welfare fund) and Fondo ARCO (supplementary social security scheme) has increased. The number of hours included in the flexible hours schedule per calendar year available to companies was increased from 80 to 112 hours. The percentage set forth by Legislative Decree 81/2015 for temporary labour contracts was confirmed and the previous agreement regarding professional apprenticeship contracts was amended. The agreement will be valid for three years: from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2019. The word now goes to workers who have been asked to give their opinion on the agreement by the end of February 2017.


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