
Categories: Practice

By judgment of 26 September 2023, no. 46188, the Italian Court of Cassation, Third Chamber, ruled on the components necessary for the offence referred to in Article 4 of Italian Law no. 300 of 1970 (the “Workers’ Charter”) stating that the installation of a video surveillance system without the authorisation required by law does not ....

Categories: Practice

With Order No. 26697 of 21 September 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that an employer can deny the holidays requested by a worker to avoid exceeding the limit of the job retention period only in the event that there are actual and genuine obstacles. The facts of the case The matter originated from ....

Categories: Practice

On 10 July 2023, the European Commission adopted an adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework ensuring that the United States of America guarantees an adequate level of protection of personal data comparable to that of the European Union. The adequacy decision is one of the tools provided for by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the ....

Categories: Practice

With the press release of 28 November, the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy publicised the ministerial decree of 20 October 2022 which defines the criteria and procedures for granting the tax exemption for private employers who obtain the certification of gender equality introduced into our legal system by Italian Law No 162/2021.   This ....

Categories: Practice

In addition to information already provided by the National Labour Inspectorate (circular no. 4 of 10 August 2022), the Ministry of Labour, with this circular, outlined the application of the new information requirements introduced by Legislative Decree no. 104 of 27 June 2022 “Transparency Decree”). As already noted in National Labour Inspectorate Circular no. 4/2022, ....