De Luca & Partners


Within June 25, 2011 the employers have to send a communication to the local labour Authority (“Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro”) competent for the area and to the relevant social security institutions for the admission of the employees assigned to repetitive jobs to the pension benefits (Article 5, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree No. 67/2011). In fact, the mentioned rule of law provides that the communication has to be effected within thirty days from the beginning of the repetitive working activity or, for the first time, within thirty days from the effectiveness date of the decree, which occurred on May 26, 2011. The communication, in the specific case of work-shift, has to be sent exclusively by online method and directly by the employer or through a qualified intermediary (Law No. 12/1979). The provision specifies that the communication has to be send on an annual basis, but does not indicate the expiry date of this new fulfillment. The communication omission is punished with an administrative fine from Eur 500 to Eur 1,500.
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