De Luca & Partners

Green light for the first edition of the HR Award, a prize dedicated to best practices in the world of work and human resources (Diritto 24 de Il Sole 24 Ore, 11 April 2018)

The aim of the initiative is to promote independent reflection on the principles that inspire outstanding operations which manage to improve competitiveness, while pursuing the well-being of individuals.

This year sees the first edition of the Excellence & Innovation HR Award, a prize for businesses operating in Italy, the goal of which is to encourage reflection on the best practices in the world of work and the management of human resources, showcasing outstanding operations that give real momentum to a company, by promoting competitiveness and productivity, while at the same time fostering social cohesion, conflict resolution and, more generally, the well-being both of people and of the national economy.

The prize is awarded by De Luca & Partners, a Milan law firm active across the whole of Italy, including cross-border operations, in legal advice and assistance in matters of employment law, industrial relations and agency law. Specialisation, skills and independence have been the core values of the firm since its foundation.


Candidacies, which must be submitted no later than 31 July 2018 following the instructions detailed on the official HR Award site, will be assessed according to a series of criteria:

• the ability to promote competitiveness and productivity;

• the ability to promote social cohesion and resolve conflicts;

• the ability to pursue the development and wellbeing of the individual;

• wide vision and capacity;

• inclusivity.

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