DLP Insights

The so called “anticrisis measure” has been approved by the government

Catégories: DLP Insights, Legislation

13 Juil 2009

It has been approved by the Government so called anti-crisis measure, a law decree which contains some new regulations relating to employment, including:

  • the possibility for employers, on an experimental basis for 2009 and 2010, to assign workers who are subject to temporary lay-off benefits, in training or qualification projects. This training and/or qualification projects may include industrial related activities. The application for these projects by the employee needs to be based on a specific agreement between the employer and the trade unions, to be signed before the Labour Ministry. In addition to the temporary lay-off allowance, workers are entitled to an additional indemnity which is charged on the employer;
  • 25 million euro have been destined to finance the extensions to 24 months of the extraorindary temporary lay-off treatments (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni Straordinaria) fund planned for firm crisis;
  • on an experimental basis for 2009 and 2010, the allowance provided for by solidarity contracts (Law 863/84) has been increased from 60% to 80%;
  • employees involved by temporary lay-offs who enter into an entrepreneurial initiative will be entitled to be granted in a sole payment the entire residual allowance due, provided that they resign from their employment. This matter will be disciplined in an ad hoc decree.

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