DLP Insights

SUPPLIED WORK WITHOUT ANY REASON (Il Sole 24 Ore, February 25th, 2012, page 22.)

Catégories: DLP Insights, Legislation

02 Mar 2012
On February 24th, 2012, the Council of Ministers approved a Legislative Decree which identifies three cases in which the supplied work without stating the relevant reason is allowed. In detail, the mentioned is possible if:
(i)     the employee receives unemployment benefits, also the one so called “in deroga”, from at least six months;
(ii)    the employee is a “disadvantaged” or “severely disadvantaged” person according to the EC Regulation No. 800/2008, i.e., for example, a young unemployed worker, a foreigner, a long-term unemployed worker, an adult with dependent children, a worker over 50 year old, although the specific identification of the subjective limits has to be determined by a Decree of the Ministry of Labour to be issued within 90 days;
(iii)   it is determined by the trade unions through proper provisions in the collective agreements (national, regional or company agreement) signed by the most representative trade unions of employees and employers.

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