DLP Insights

Remote working: the Senate starts its examination of the Government’s Bill

Categories: DLP Insights, Legislation

31 Mar 2016

Remote working will be officially recognized by Italian law once the Bill conveying “Measures for protecting non-entrepreneurial self-employment and measures designed to facilitate flexible working in terms of hours and place of employment”, currently being examined by the Senate Labour Commission, has gone through Parliament. The Bill in question does not aim to introduce a new type of employment contract, but rather a framework for the regulation of voluntary agreements regarding remote working, that is, work carried out without restrictions concerning the time and place of employment. This constitutes a response to the need to adequately protect the activities of the so-called fourth industrial revolution. The social parties have been examining the introduction of the remote working into the Italian legal system for some time now. Before any legislation on the matter, the question of remote working has in fact been recognized by the renewed National Collective Labour Agreement for the food industry.

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