DLP Insights

DID YOU KNOW THAT… The Decreto Sostegni (Support Decree) confirmed the possibility of company agreements to incentivize termination of employment?

Categories: DLP Insights, Do you know that | Tag: collective agreements, decreto sostegni, company agreements

31 Mar 2021

The Decreto Sostegni (Decree Law 41/2021), published in the Official Gazette on 22 March 2021 and enacted on 23 March, extended the ban on dismissals for economic reasons (individual dismissals and collective dismissal procedures), in a generalised manner until 30 June 2021 and then differentiated. Specifically, the ban on dismissals will continue from 1 July 2021 to 31 October 2021 only for companies that can benefit from the exceptional redundancy fund and ordinary allowance (FIS). However, the Decreto Sostegni confirmed the possibility (introduced by the August Decree and also included in the 2021 Budget Law), while the dismissal ban is in force, to stipulate company collective agreements with trade unions that are comparatively more representative at national level.   With its message 689/2021 INPS clarified that the company collective agreement only needs to be signed by one of the comparatively more representative trade unions to be valid. The subject matter of the agreements must be an incentive to terminate employment and regard employees who participate. The workers in question can benefit from NASPI unemployment for which the employer must pay a dismissal ticket.

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