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Publications of Enrico De Luca

Categories: Publications

By Order no. 1476 of 15 January 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation has once again ruled on the seriousness of the facts alleged against an employee as the reason underlying the dismissal for just cause under Article 2119 of the Italian Civil Code. At the end of the three instances of proceedings, the Italian ....

Categories: Publications

By order no. 87 of 3 January 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled on the applicability of reinstatement where the fact underlying the dismissal ordered for justified objective reasons did not exist. At the end of the three instances of proceedings, the Italian Court of Cassation upheld the appeal brought by the dismissed employee, ....

Categories: Publications

In judgment no. 35066 of 14 December 2023, the employment division of the Italian Court of Cassation confirmed that an employee’s conduct outside work can irreparably damage the duty of mutual trust between the parties if it has only the potential objective capacity to impact the relationship and undermines the expectations of the future proper ....

Categories: Publications

By Order no. 35527 of 19 December 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled on the dismissal of a working mother ordered as a result of the cessation of the employer’s business activity following a declaration of bankruptcy, holding it to be void and ordering the employer to reinstate the employee and pay financial compensation. ....

Categories: Publications

In both the public and private sectors, all workers should have access to information on individual wage levels and average wage levels broken down by gender. By 7 June 2026 EU states must implement European Directive 2023/970 which came into force on 6 June 2023. The directive introduces new obligations for employers on transparency and ....

Categories: Publications

THE FACTS The French Employment Court was called upon to rule on the lawfulness of the refusal to allow certain workers to take several days of accrued and unused holiday leave due to prolonged absences from work due to illness. Similarly, the relevant allowance in lieu had been denied to those workers whose employment had ....

Categories: Publications

As is well known, on 23 February 2023 the European Commission requested its employees and collaborators to uninstall the TikTok social network application from their business and personal electronic devices. This request was accompanied by the notice that, for those who had not uninstalled the social network by 15 March, it would no longer be ....

Categories: Publications

An order of the Court of Cassation recognises that an employer may use security camera footage for disciplinary purposes Employers may use security camera footage for disciplinary purposes. This has been confirmed by the Court of Cassation in Order of 23 March 2023, No 8375. Remote control of workers’ activities As is now well known, Article ....

Categories: Publications

To verify the existence of just cause or justified subjective reason for dismissal, the fact that a contractual breach similar to that contested against the dismissed employee, committed by another employee, and assessed differently by the employer is irrelevant. This was the Court of Cassation’s opinion, labour section, order no. 88 of 3 January 2023. ....

Categories: Publications

In the event of repeated absences – which have not exceeded the limit of the protected period – the onus is on the employer to prove the additional reasons justifying the dismissal. Dismissal based on an employee’s repeated absences from the workplace on days close to rest days and/or public holidays constitutes an unfair and ....

Categories: Publications

In ruling no. 19321, published on 15 June 2022, the Court of Cassation considered the dismissal for justified subjective reason for an employee who worked during leave for “serious family reasons” legitimate. In the case covered by the Court of Cassation’s ruling no. 19321/2022, on 15 May 2017, a worker requested to take leave from ....

Categories: Publications

Con ordinanza 4404/2022 del 10 febbraio, la Cassazione torna a esprimersi circa i profili di legittimità del licenziamento (per giusta causa) intimato al lavoratore sul presupposto del grave inadempimento legato al rifiuto di assoggettarsi al trasferimento ad altra sede. Con l’ordinanza in commento, la Suprema Corte ha stabilito che, anche in ipotesi di trasferimento che violi l’articolo ....

Categories: Publications

With its order no. 26709 of 1 October 2021, the Court of Cassation expressed its opinion on the legitimacy of dismissals of workers who are caught carrying out activities incompatible with their medical condition, while being absent for illness. The Supreme Court ruled on the legitimacy of the dismissal for just cause of an employee ....

Categories: Publications

With order 16382/2021, the Court of Cassation once again ruled on the critical issues connected with the relationship between wage subsidies anddaily sickness benefits. In accordance with well-established case law, the Court pointed out that, where the ordinary lay-off scheme concerns a case of suspension of production and not merely a reduction in working hours, ....

Categories: Publications

In its judgment 15465 of 3 June 2021, the Employment Chambers of the Court of Cassation ruled once again on the peculiarities of dismissal for just cause imposed on an employee carrying out other work during sick leave. In particular, a disciplinary dismissal was ordered against a civil servant who, following a personal accident and ....

Categories: Publications

Dismissal justified by the outsourcing of the duties assigned to an employee must be considered retaliatory if, in actual fact, the job is not outsourced and the employee’s dismissal is due to the employee’s refusal to enter into a novation agreement with the company that changes the employee’s classification level and reduces his/her salary. This ....

Categories: Publications

In cases of dismissal for justified objective reason, the Judge’s verification of the “manifest lack of the fact“ requirement underlying the dismissal, from which the possibility of employee reinstatement derives, must cover the technical, production and organisational needs stated by the Company, and the possibility of relocating the employee elsewhere within the company organisation.   ....

Categories: Publications

Employees who work a daily shift exceeding 6 hours, must be granted a substitute meal voucher if they are unable to use the canteen service or if, due to their job, they are not able to take a break. This principle expressed by the Court of Cassation, which, with ruling no. 5547 of 1 March ....

Categories: Publications

According to Supreme Court n. 4056 of February 16, 2021: “the aliunde perceptum is not exception in the strict sense and is therefore detectable ex officio by the Judge if the relevant factual circumstances are duly acquired during the trial. For this reason, the exception of deduction of the aliunde perceptum is not subject to ....

Categories: Publications

The Supreme Court of Cassation, in its decision 1514/2021, published on 25 January 2021, referencing well-established principles, provides a clear overview of the production-related factors that justify dismissal for objective reasons, emphasising that once the objective reason for the work termination has been established, it is unnecessary to investigate its potentially retaliatory nature. The Court’s ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Lamezia Terme, with the sentence of 14.01.2021, ruled that it is possible to unilaterally withdraw from a second level collective agreement with no expire date, but the party that objects to this circumstance is burdened by providing the relevant proof. More specifically, the sentence states that, if the second level collective agreement ....

Categories: Publications

The Supreme Court With ruling no. 553 of 2021 confirmed the legitimacy of the dismissal for just cause imposed on a worker who had uttered offensive and threatening sentences against the company’s judicial administrator. The Supreme Court argued that the decision of the Court of Appeal of Bari which had declared the legitimacy of the ....

Categories: Publications

The COVID-19 emergency has awakened interest in remote or agile working, with the aim of limiting the spread of the virus and ensuring business continuity,. In the emergency phase a simplified mode of remote working has been introduced: until the end of the epidemiological state of emergency, the remote working may be activated even in ....

Categories: Publications

With the recent decision no. 1170 of 17 June, the Court of Cassation has provided interesting clarifications on the fourth paragraph of Article 18 of Law no. 300/70 (so called “Statuto dei Lavoratori”), a provision which – as is well known – provides for the reinstatement of an employee unlawfully dismissed if the claimed fact ....

Categories: Publications

The provision included in article 42, paragraph 2, of the “Cura Italia” Decree (Legislative Decree No. 18/2020) states that the Coronavirus infection contracted in the workplace is treated as an accident at work. This qualification opens the way to profiles of relevance, in term of responsibility, of the conduct attributable to the employer for non-compliance ....

Categories: Publications

The fragmented and often cryptic regulatory framework of reference is creating long delays and operational difficulties in accessing the redundancy fund in derogation. Let us take stock. Law provisions, ministerial decrees, circulars and framework agreements have regulated in a not always consistent way the concrete modalities of access to the redundancy fund in derogation in ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Appeal, by ruling no. 25355 dated 9 October 2019, stated that employers that claim earnings from other work or sources to be deducted from the compensation due to employees are required to enclose specific factual circumstances and to provide timely specifications, proving general requests for evidence or requests for evidence for purely ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Cassation reiterated that the judge’s review cannot also concern the merits of the employer’s management choices, and a minimum reduction in revenue, if objectively linked to the expulsion measure, can be considered suitable to justify dismissal. The background that the Court of Justice, with its judgement of 18 July 2019, No 19302, ....

Categories: Publications

On 15 May 2019, by order no. 13025, The Supreme Court returned to deal with the right of the judgment of first instance established pursuant to Article 1 (51) Law no. 92/2012 (“Fornero’s Law”) to be recognized in the second phase (so-called opposition phase). The Court of Cassation has observed that the opposition phase must ....

Categories: Publications

With a lawsuit filed at the Court of Rome, a worker claimed of having provided his work under employment conditions for two specific time periods for a company providing design, implementation and production of TV programs, as part of a broadcast and to have been dismissed verbally. Specifically, the appellant claimed (i) of having written ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Cassation with judgement No. 17978 dated 9 July 2018 established that:  – recognition of compensation for non-material damages is not automatic in the case of a “demotion” if it is not adequately proven;  – when the employee alleges a demotion associated to a breach by the employer to meet the obligation established ....

Categories: Publications

Oggi più che mai il tema della tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro ha assunto una centralità senza precedenti...

Categories: Publications

L’entrata in vigore, lo scorso 13 luglio, del decreto legislativo n. 116 ha riaperto il dibattito sul tema della tutela del lavoratore dipendente di una pubblica amministrazione.

Categories: Publications

Job Act: The labour reform changes the rules for mandatory employment. Numerous new measures regarding mandatory employment of people with disabilities were introduced by Legislative Decree 151/2015, which became effective 24 September.