Parties involved

Parties involved

Last update : 19/04/2022
Who is the Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager?

As established by the Consolidated Act on Health and Safety in the Workplace (contained in Legislative Decree no. 81/2008), the presence of a Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager (“RSPP”) is necessary within a company. This figure is appointed by the employer and must be identified as a person who has the skills and requirements appropriate to the workplace risks and is responsible for organising, coordinating and managing the system related to risk prevention and protection. In some organisations, depending on size or type, the Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager may be supported by others, the Risk Prevention and Protection Service Staff Members (ASPP), who must have technical features to perform this role and support the Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager in coordinating the risk prevention and protection service.

Last update : 19/04/2022
What are the requirements for appointing the Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager?

The Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager (RSPP) is a compulsory figure who manages and organises occupational risk prevention and protection.

A Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager can be:

  • An employer-designated worker;
  • An outside professional;
  • The employer, in certain companies.

To be appointed, it is necessary that the person has the professional skills and requirements appropriate to the nature of the risks in the workplace and related to the work. Under to art. 32 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, the Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager must:

  • hold at least a high school qualification;
  • have a certificate of attendance, with verification of learning, at training courses on the prevention and protection of risks, including ergonomic risks and work-related stress, as referred to in Article 28, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, organisation and management of technical-administrative activities and communication techniques in the company and trade union relations.

Without the above qualifications, those who demonstrate that they have been performing this function, either professionally or under an employer for at least six months as of 13 August 2003 may be appointed as Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager after having attended specific training courses.

The person who performs the Risk Prevention and Protection Service Manager function is required to attend a refresher course every five years, the duration of which depends on the degree of risk assessed by the company.

Last update : 19/04/2022
Who is the Workers' Safety Representative ("RLS")?

In companies or production units, the Workers’ Safety Representative (“RLS”) is elected or appointed and represents workers in health and safety in the workplace matters. If the company, or production unit, employs up to 15 employees, the Workers’ Safety Representative

  • is directly elected by workers from among them;
  • may be identified for several companies in the local area or production sector;
  • may be designated or elected by workers as part of the trade union representatives, as defined by the relevant collective labour agreement.

If the company, or production unit, employs more than 15 employees, the Workers’ Safety Representative is elected or designated by the workers within the company trade union representatives. If the above are not available, they are elected by company workers from among them.

Last update : 19/04/2022
Who is the supervisor and what are their tasks?

The supervisor is the person who, due to their professional skills and within the limits of hierarchical and functional powers appropriate to the task, supervises the work and ensures the implementation of directives received, checking workers and exercising a functional power of initiative. Under to art. 19 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, the supervisor:

  • ensures that workers comply with their obligations and company instructions received on health and safety matters;
  • checks that only those workers who have received instructions based on their task and role have access to workplaces that expose them to serious and specific risks;
  • requires compliance with measures to control risk situations if there is an emergency, and gives instructions so that workers under serious, immediate and unavoidable danger, leave the workplace or dangerous area;
  • informs workers exposed to the risk of serious and immediate danger as soon as possible and the protective measures taken or to be taken;
  • except for duly justified cases, refrains from requiring workers to resume their activities in a work situation where a serious and immediate danger persists;
  • promptly reports to the employer or manager any deficiencies in the work means and equipment and personal protective equipment, and other dangerous work conditions based on their the training;
  • attends training courses.
Last update : 19/04/2022
What is the role of the Company Physician in the company?

Article 2, paragraph 1, letter h) of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 defines the Company Physician as the person with qualifications, training and professional requirements, who works with the employer for risk assessment purposes and is appointed to carry out health monitoring. The Company Physician:

  • cooperates in risk assessment and drawing up the Risk Assessment Document;
  • is the employer’s health consultant;
  • prepares and implements safety measures to protect workers’ health and integrity;
  • assesses worker suitability to carry out specific tasks;
  • carries out periodic visits to check suitability over time;
  • keeps workers’ medical records while maintaining professional secrecy;
  • trains and informs workers on health, safety and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
  • organises first aid;
  • carries out inspections and visits to the workplace;
  • discloses assessment results to the employer;
  • signs documents relating to safety, such as the Risk Assessment Document (DVR), the Single Document for the Assessment of Interfering Risks (DUVRI) and the Operational Safety Plan (POS);
  • informs the relevant authorities of the health monitoring progress;
  • supports workers in cases of psychosocial risks.
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