An interview with Vittorio De Luca on labour market hot topics is in today’s L’Economia of Il Corriere della Sera

Categories: DLP Insights, Interviews, News, Interviews | Tag: smart working, Dismissal

05 Jul 2021

Our system’s real problem is an absence of serious active employment policies. De Luca & Partners managing partner Vittorio De Luca, discusses the agreement on the end of the dismissal prohibition and Decree Law 99/2021, just approved by the Draghi government. “An explosion of redundancies is nothing more than the consequence of a ban that has gone on too long. Further generalised extensions would only have made the situation worse. The prohibition has prevented companies from renewing for far too long and paralysed worker redeployments. Finally, they will now restart and move the market and employment again.”
Another hot topic is the reform of social safety nets, which has been announced many times and is increasingly necessary during the post-pandemic period. “The social safety net system, after the 2015 reform, is fragmented and cannot protect the categories affected by the recession and provide financial benefits that represent decisive and lasting support. The pandemic has clearly shown the limits of our social safety net system. It is essential
to proceed with a comprehensive reform quickly.
The government has reached an agreement with the social partners on the dismissal prohibition. “The agreement includes a “commitment” to use all existing social safety nets before resorting to redundancies.
However, it is just a form of moral persuasion. Moreover, this commitment is unmentioned in the new decree text. This is small consolation for those clamouring for a further extension of the dismissal prohibition.”

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