DLP Insights

Categories: Case Law

With judgment no. 39129 of 26 September 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation, Third Criminal Division addressed the issue of corporate administrative liability under Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, stating that “corporate administrative liability is not excluded in the light of the minimal advantage or the insignificance of the interest pursued.” The facts of the ....

Categories: Case Law

With Order no. 31660 of 14 November 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that, when dismissal for justified objective reason (giustificato motivo oggettivo, ‘GMO’) is to reduce costs, the burden is on the employer to indicate the reasons why the particular worker has been chosen. The facts of the case The employee appealed the ....

Categories: Do you know that

On 5 December 2023, the agreement renewing the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for Executives of Cooperative Credit Banks (Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro per i Dirigenti delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo, ‘CCNL’) signed by Federcasse and the unions FABI, FIRST/CISL, FISAC/CIGL, UGL Credito and UILCA/UIL was published. The changes introduced concern, firstly, financial aspects relating ....


Italian Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, which implements Directive (EU) 1937/2019 and introduces the new legal framework on whistleblowing has come into effect. Laws on whistleblowing have already been in force for some years in companies required to implement the 231 Models and detailed and specific provisions on procedure and sanctions now apply to all companies. ....

Categories: Publications

In both the public and private sectors, all workers should have access to information on individual wage levels and average wage levels broken down by gender. By 7 June 2026 EU states must implement European Directive 2023/970 which came into force on 6 June 2023. The directive introduces new obligations for employers on transparency and ....